Text Example


TUTORIAL Unemployment Benefits Tutorial 2022


Staff member
This is unemployment benefits tutorial so kindly pay attention to the tutorial and follow along

1.First thing first, visit the unemployment benefits website: and make sure your VPN or socks is connected to your drop State

2. then click on claims

3. A new page will open, scroll down to the Unemployment Insurance Section
then click on File For Unemployment - Overview

4.On the new page scroll down or navigate the Register and Login sections and create a new account by clicking on Register Now

5. Now after creating a new account, Login the account

6. Click on "File a new claim" because it your first time filing for this benefit

7. On the new page You will be ask some questions like : Did you work in another state or in Canada in the last 18 months

Check the box ( No )for the questions there.

expect the 6th questions that says ( Have you filed an unemployment benefits insurance claim in California in the last 18 months)
check the box Yes for this
8. Once you are through with the above, a new page opens again, this time around you need to put your SSN information you are using

  1. Once you done with above you continue to the next page, in here you will ask your driving license, you can enter any fake driving license information here
  2. Then select the state you are applying in as the ID state
11. Now in here, put your SSN address information here,

note( Don't use a different address info apart from the SSN osn)
12. now in here, there are two different categories here

i. Citizenship Information

ii. Statistical information
The answer for the Citizenship Information should be (yes)

The answer for the Statistical information (Bachelor degree) ( No) (White, Not Hispanic) (No)

13.Then click on Next

14. Under the Employment History, Tick the box (No) for that question

15. Any information regarding previous employment, asking if you worked at some places , just choose (“No”)

16. What type of work do you do perform?

Answer: select anything concerning self employed like Designer

What type of work can you perform?

Answer: Designing

Questions number 3 - 5 select (No)

Questions number 6 and 7 Select (Yes)

Depending on the type of work you can do you write what you can do, like logo designing, logo printing etc

Questions 7b tick the box (Yes)

Questions 8 tick (No)

17• Any question regarding compensation from work or wages or allowances, Just choose “No” , let them think you are not getting anything at home and the COVID-19 is making u broke and hungry so u need their assistance

18. If they ask you, what type of disaster has caused your unemployment, just choose COVID-19
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